What Others Are Saying...

  • " Not only is Sean a great nutritionist, but he's an excellent strength coach. I've coached athletes with him on multiple occasions. The most impressive attributes I've seen in him is his integrity, work ethic, ability to work with athletes and desire to be the best coach possible...."

-Luke Richesson. Head NFL Strength & Conditioning Coach for Denver Broncos


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Home of first class health and physical preparation consultations.
Mission Statement
CasePerformance's Mission Statement

Here at CasePerformance we strive to bridge the gap between research and human performance, while acknowledging that the real world results obtained by the athlete/client and coach are the ULTIMATE measure of success.

Knowledge is worthless unless properly applied to your training goals. This pertains to research completed in the gym as well as the lab. Unfortunately, by the time research has been filtered down to the average individual, it has been polluted by manufacturer propaganda, manipulated by those with personal agendas or glossed over by popular media.

At CasePerformance, this nonsense is sidetracked as we bring the research straight to your front door. We provide you with free access to our article database as well as personalized training and nutrition programs that provide results. Furthermore, we teach you how to teach yourself in our Consumer Savvy article section. As you'll see, the only personal agenda you'll find at CasePerformance is the one that starts with you and ends with your success!

Great Archived Articles
Tribulus Part I: Testosterone Booster or Marketing Hype?
by Sean Casey | 01/18/2012

The attributes associated with Tribulus terrestris are of mythical proportions. Are they true? Will they spike your testosterone similar to steroids? Better Sex? Outrageously huge Muscles? In Part I we dissect through the animal studies supporting/refuting its mystical claims.

Rehabilitating Chronic Hamstring Strains
by Sean Casey | 10/09/2009

Do you have a pesky hamstring injury that simply won't heal? If so, this article is for you!

Podcast Interviews with Brian Putchio and Sean Casey
by Sean Casey | 02/22/2011

Two of our own, Brain Putchio and Sean Casey were recently interviewed on Strength Smarts. Check it out!